Teaser trailer and poster added for Disney+ drama series “Uncle Sam-Sik” starring Song Kang-Ho, Byun Yo-Han, & Lee Kyu-Hyung. The original Disney+ drama series written and directed by Shin Youn-Shick, revolves around a man with the nickname of Uncle Sam-Sik (Song Kang-Ho). Caption on the teaser poster states “I have a big plan for you.” Narration in the teaser trailer goes (0:01) Song Kang-Ho “Everyone calls me that out of love and respect. Sam-Sik and Uncle Sam-Sik. I like it so much. It’s my nickname,” (0:18) Byun Yo-Han “Minister, this is the way for Korea to survive,” (0:23) Song Kang-Ho “Your speech was impressive. Let’s meet together,” (0:31) Song Kang-Ho “When it completes, I will become an official member of Cheongwoohwe,” (0:36) anonymous female voice “Korean noble?,” (0:39) Lee Kyu-Hyung “Uncle Sam-Sik, I will make it happen,” (0:42)
Lee Kyu-Hyung “Yoon Pal-Bong, kill him,” (0:47) Song Kang-Ho “I have one talent. I can give you all,” (0:51) Byun Yo-Han “You said that you saw the national reconstruction plan,” (0:55) Song Kang-Ho “Save and kill, I can do everything,” (0:59) Byun Yo-Han “Why me?,” (1:00) Song Kang-Ho “I can see your ambition with my eyes,” (1:04) Lee Kyu-Hyung “Can you handle it?,” (1:07) Jin Ki-Joo “That person is turning San into a monster too,” (1:16)
Song Kang-Ho “Call me Uncle Sam-Sik, then I will give you food.”
“Uncle Sam-Sik” will be available to stream May 15, 2024.
Plot Synopsis by AsianWiki: Set in the early 1960’s, a story that depicts the friendship and desires of Sam-Sik (Song Kang-Ho) and Kim San (Byun Yo-Han). Kim San graduated from the Korean military academy and then went to the United States to study economics at a university. He returns to South Korea with a dream to help turn the country into an important industrial nation. Sam-Sik appears in front Kim San around this time and says that he supports his dream.
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