Main trailer added for Disney+ drama series “Dragons of Wonder Hatch” starring Sena Nakajima, Daiken Okudaira, & Mackenyu Arata. The trailer begins with narration that states “This is a story for you who is far away.” The drama series features a mixture of live-action and animation and tells a story set in the real world and a fantasy world where dragon riders live. The series itself will consist of 8 episodes. The first two episodes will be released December 20, 2023 and two more episodes will be released December 27, 2023 and then one episode per week will be released until its conclusion.
Plot Synopsis by AsianWiki: Nagi (Sena Nakajima) is a female high school student in Yokosuka, Japan. She doesn’t fit in with her classmates. She likes to fantasize and when she hears a sound she visualizes the sound to colors. Her eccentric habit soon leads her to have repeated daydreams of flying in the sky. She doesn’t feel good about that.
Meanwhile, Tyme (Daiken Okudaira) lives in the alternate world Upananta and he is a dragon rider. Unusual phenomena starts to take place in Upananta, which involves many floating islands falling from the sky. Hero Akuta (Mackenyu Arata) leads his group and they try to save people during the crisis. Tyme joins Akuta’s group, but he isn’t happy with them. This is because he can’t hear the voice of dragons, which is the most important thing when riding a dragon. Tyme is also considered a dropout by Akuta’s group and he is uncomfortable there.
One day, these two worlds intersect. Nagi meets Tyme from Upananta. Even though they come from different worlds, Nagi and Tyme share the fact that they are different from those around them.
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